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Recognition of religion or belief in Benin

According to the SRR, conditions for RoRB in the Republic of Benin are classified restrictive.

Recognition of religion or belief in Benin

Positive elements:

  • Legal registration is the primary focus of the recognition system in Benin rather than existential recognition.

  • A lack of knowledge persist as to how much discrimination exists within the Beninese recognition system but if administrative materials and a fee are the extent of requirements then this amounts to a receptive system, but certainly not a dynamic one.

  • The rule of mandatory registration contravenes the Bielefeldt provision.

  • Informational requirements and fees seem appropriate but require monitoring for post-registration use.

Positive elements:

  • Religious freedom is broadly upheld in practice by the government.

  • Non-discriminatory registration processes.

  • Horizontal recognition is applied.


  • To become dynamic, Benin would need to establish an independent recognition system and to do away with its current rule of mandatory registration.

RoRB Topic
RoRB Compliance
RoRB Classification
Country or territory
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