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Recognition of religion or belief in Indonesia

According to the standards set out in the SRR, conditions for RoRB in the Republic of Indonesia are classified censorious.

Recognition of religion or belief in Indonesia


  • Indonesia recognises Islam, Protestantism, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Confucianism.

  • Partial recognition emerges due to the fact that registration with the government does not equate to the same level as the six officially recognised belief systems.

  • The government’s definition of what a religion constitutes immediately excludes non-theistic religions or belief systems that do not possess a prophet or the subjective requirement of “international recognition.”

  • The rule of mandatory registration even just for unrecognised groups is a violation of the Bielefeldt provision.

  • Widespread discrimination of minorities and those professing no belief is regarded as caused by a lack of recognition for such groups which would be resolved through the reaffirmation of recognised status.

Positive elements:

  • Existential recognition for belief systems and denominations is provided for but this apparatus is both misused and not universally applied equally among all belief systems.


  • Dismantle the misused recognition system and replace with one that is inclusive of all belief systems, both traditional and NRMs.

  • Halt government involvement in the internal affairs of religious organisations.

  • Revoke all policies that seek to restrict religious activity or the broader registration process.

RoRB Topic
RoRB Compliance
RoRB Classification
Country or territory
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