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Recognition of religion or belief in Seychelles

According to the standards set out in the SRR, conditions for RoRB in the Republic of Seychelles are classified apathetic.

Recognition of religion or belief in Seychelles


  • Recognition and registration are amalgamates rather than ideally differentiated; there exists provisions only for legal registration and none for existential recognition.

  • The two legal categories for registration create a vertical recognition system.

  • Informational requirements, apart from the membership quotas, are appropriate.

  • A separate procedure for gaining tax-exempt status seems inappropriate typically as it is standard practice for receptive and certainly dynamic systems that groups need only register with one governmental body to receive tax-exempt status.

Positive elements:

  • Freedom of religion or belief is broadly upheld in practice by the government.


  • Resolve some of the identified persistent issues within the present system.

  • To become classified as receptive, establish a reorganised recognition system that bestows existential recognition and legal registration to all belief systems and their derivatives.

  • To become classified as dynamic, establish a recognition agency that manages this recognition system in a way that is independent of the government’s control.

RoRB Topic
RoRB Compliance
RoRB Classification
Country or territory
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