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Recognition of religion or belief in Barbados

According to the SRR, conditions for RoRB in Barbados are classified apathetic.

Recognition of religion or belief in Barbados


  • Only legal registration for denominations and organisations based on belief exists; no procedures for existential recognition exist.

  • Although freedom of religion or belief for citizens of Barbados is generally upheld by the government, concerns remain in recognitionist theory for countries that have no structure for a system to recognise different entities that pertain to belief identities of citizens.

  • Reports of discrimination from two of the smaller minorities of the country remains a concern but if these are being conducted at the social level then greater awareness and recognition will lead to higher levels of education and acceptance of diversity which will in turn solve these issues.

Positive elements:

  • Freedom of religion or belief is broadly though not universally upheld.


  • Establish a distinct system for existential recognition apart from legal registration.

  • Provide broader provisions within the legal registration framework beyond that of tax-exemption such as opportunities for state grants.

RoRB Topic
RoRB Compliance
RoRB Classification
Country or territory
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