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Recognition of religion or belief in Czechia

According to the SRR, conditions for RoRB in the Czech Republic are classified receptive.

Recognition of religion or belief in Czechia


  • Recognition and registration are amalgamated rather than ideally differentiated.

  • Bielefeldt recommends that countries do not stipulate specific criteria for membership size.

  • The lack of a deadline for the registration process to complete may cause issues of accountability and the stagnation of the registration process; must be monitored.

  • The structure of the system as based on two types of recognition categories is tantamount to vertical recognition; essentially, that although a group may register, it does not receive the same degree of recognition as another group in a higher tier; this does not abide by the principle that all groups are equal in their validity and should receive equitable recognition as a reflection of this; this, coupled with further restrictions caused by membership quotas leads the Czech Republic's designation as restrictive.

Positive elements:

  • The government upholds freedom of religion or belief in the public sphere.

  • There are provisions set forth for religious education, both of traditional and non-traditional beliefs.


  • Establish a recognition agency independent of government that deals with and facilitates religious recognition and registration processes.

  • Revoke the membership quotas and dismantle the elements of the system that correspond to vertical recognition in an effect to make the system fairer.

RoRB Topic
RoRB Compliance
RoRB Classification
Country or territory
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