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Recognition of religion or belief in Guinea-Bissau

According to the SRR, conditions for RoRB in the Republic of Guinea-Bissau are classified ambiguous.

Recognition of religion or belief in Guinea-Bissau


  • Recognition and registration are amalgamated rather than ideally differentiated; there exists few to no provisions for existential recognition or legal registration, only operational licences which do not equate to either.

  • Although the rule of mandatory registration may be infrequent imposed, its mere existence in the legislation violates the Bielefeldt provision.

  • A great deal of unstructure exists within the recognition system thus leading to its disregard which is not a positive situation as it demonstrates a lack of authority to bestow recognition and to protect this status.

Positive elements:

  • Horizontal recognition is in effect.


  • Establish provisions for existential recognition not just legal registration; establish a clear, authoritative system for religious recognition in order to reach the receptive classification.

  • Fix the unstructure present in the legislation by clarifying stances on topics not presently addressed.

  • To become dynamic, establish a recognition agency to manage the system independent of government.

RoRB Topic
RoRB Compliance
RoRB Classification
Country or territory
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