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Recognition of religion or belief in Mexico

According to the standards set out in the SRR, conditions for RoRB in the United Mexican States are classified restrictive.

Recognition of religion or belief in Mexico


  • Recognition and registration are amalgamated rather than ideally differentiated; there is a focus on legal registration with few to no means for existential recognition.

  • The requirements for registration seem appropriate although there is subjectivity in the language used that could be misused against applicant groups such as “domicile in the country”; the existence of a longevity quota suggests that this language could be misused to restrict the registration process.

  • The provision for registered associations to “freely organise their internal structures” suggest that unregistered do not have this right which intimates government involvement in the internal affairs of unregistered groups.

  • The requirement for groups to apply for building permits seem appropriate although ambiguity as to the process is concerning; the degree of discrimination in the process is yet to be determined; ownership of all religious buildings constructed prior to 1992 is also dubious.

  • Even only a degree of mandatory registration existing in the system is a violation of the Bielefeldt provision.

Positive elements:

  • Investigations into human rights abuse cases are made by the SEGOB and there is a system of offices established to deal with religious affairs.


  • Establish provisions for existential recognition in addition to the provisions for legal registration.

  • Revoke restrictive policies.

  • Establish a nationwide recognition agency.

RoRB Topic
RoRB Compliance
RoRB Classification
Country or territory
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