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Recognition of religion or belief in Slovenia

According to the standards set out in the SRR, conditions for RoRB in the Republic of Slovenia are classified receptive.

Recognition of religion or belief in Slovenia


  • Recognition and registration are amalgamated rather than ideally differentiated; there are not distinguished provisions for existential recognition and legal registration.

Positive elements:

  • Broad provisions are set in place to for both registered and unregistered groups to operate freely without government intervention.

  • Freedom of religion or belief is generally upheld by the government in practice.

  • Provisions exist to stop the government from denying registration for groups based on their beliefs and practices.

  • The Office for Religious Communities provides widespread support and guidance for religious organisations.


  • Establish separate procedures for existential recognition and legal registration.

  • To be classified as dynamic, establish a recognition agency to manage the recognition system and its provisions for recognition and registration; this recognition agency should operate independently of the government.

RoRB Topic
RoRB Compliance
RoRB Classification
Country or territory
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